Cyber Security (Internet Security), Cyber Terrorism, Information Society, Risks Assessment of Technology-Enabled Information, Secured Electronic and Mobile Transactions (SEMT), Telecommunications and Applied Information Systems.
Most of my interest now is concerned with Infonomics: the interdisciplinary science of the societal and Technological dimensions of knowledge evolution in digital society. By its nature, infonomics is the intelligent management of information. Infonomics explores laws of effective information management within information systems and AI, both natural and artificial.
Research Invitations and Appointments
Co-authors: If you will like to co-author papers or books with me, I will definitely respond!
Serving on a PhD committee or "Jury": I will always honour your invitations!
Keynote Speech and Distinguish Lecture: I try my best to accept, if not I can always suggest colleagues from academia or industry!
Recent Keynote Speech and Distinguish Lecture
Keeping pace with my Keynote speech and Distinguish Lecture slides have been very demanding. See most recent slides by click on the following highlighted titles:
- Cloud Security Standards
- Writing a Sustainable Research Paper
- Security Comprehension of Healthcare Information Systems
- How Secured is Social Network?
- Questioning the Cloud Security
‘Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.’
—Will Durant